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Directory Of US Embassy – Freetown Sierra Leone
Listing Category
Contact Number
+232 99 105 000
Listing Tags
Southridge - Hill Station Freetown, Sierra Leone
Directory Of US Embassy – Singapore
Listing Category
Contact Number
(65) 6476-9100 / (65) 6476-9340
Listing Tags
27 Napier Road Singapore
Directory Of US Embassy – Bratislava Slovak Republic
Listing Category
Contact Number
+421-2-5443 3338 / +421-2-5441 8861
Listing Tags
Bratislava Slovak Republic
Directory Of US Embassy – Ljubljana Slovenia
Listing Category
Contact Number
386 (1) 2005500 / 386 (1) 200-5555
Listing Tags
Prešernova Ljubljana Slovenia
Directory Of US Embassy – Pretoria
Listing Category
Contact Number
+27 (12) 431-4000 / +27 (12) 342-2299
Listing Tags
877 Pretorius St Arcadia Pretoria
Listing Category
Contact Number
+211 912 105 107
Listing Tags
Kololo Road adjacent to the European Union's compound Juba
Directory Of US Embassy – Madrid Spain
Listing Category
Contact Number
(+34) 91-587-2200 / (+34) 91-587-2303
Listing Tags
Calle de Serrano, 75 28006 Madrid, Spain
Directory Of US Embassy – Colombo Sri Lanka
Listing Category
Contact Number
+94 (11) 249-8500 / +94 (11) 243-7345
Listing Tags
210 Galle Road Colombo Sri Lanka