Wika Water Heater is the first brand in Indonesia to make a solar water heater. Besides Solar Water Heater, Wika WH also has other types of water heaters, namely Electric Water Heater, Aircon Water Heater, and also Heat Pump.
Starting as an industrial equipment division of PT Wijaya Karya, WINNER has now grown into a large company, whose services have reached all corners of the country through 34 distributors, agent networks and outlets that are present in cities throughout Indonesia.
Wika Water Heater is a water heater brand that there is no doubt in Indonesia as a quality and well-known product with experience since 1987. On 21 August 2019, WINNER through its product, Wika Water Heater, won the TOP BRAND 2019 award again, this award was received directly by Mr. Yunius as WINNER's Director of Operations, this is an award that has been received back to back 9 times since 2010. In addition, Wika WH also received various other awards such as Top Property, Indonesia Popular Brand, Social Media Award and 500Brand Champion.